One hundred and twenty celebrities were joining the grand opening of The Aceh Polytechnic on Friday August 29, 2008. Two hundred and forty students started their first academic year of the college by September 8. The building, which occupies a site of 8,350 square meters, has been made possible by a combined partnership involving Chevron, USAID, and the Indonesian government (Government of NAD Province, Banda Aceh Municipal Government, Aceh/Nias Reconstruction and Rehabilitation Agency (BRR) and the Ministry of National Education), with the project costing a total of US$16 million. The Mayor of Banda Aceh Mayor Mawardy Nurdin repeatedly praised the partnership model between Chevron, USAID, and the Indonesian government. “This model of partnership between the private sector, non-profit organizations, and the government is worthy of replication and development in the case of other projects,” he stressed.
The USAID financed and Swisscontact implemented Project TAPP (The Aceh Polytechnic Program) is responsible for the soft part of the Polytechnic, starting from developing curricula over recruitment and training of staff through procurement of equipment and all other necessities to the assurance of the economical feasibility of the institution being established as a foundation.
’’The college has three stories and two wings, with each being glass-walled so as to allow the sun to enter, thereby saving energy,’’ said Syaifuddin Abdullah, Project Manager of the Chevron sponsored part of Polytechnic Aceh. The building consists of 65 rooms, 33 lecture theaters, 22 laboratories, lecturers’ rooms, a cafeteria, an amphitheater, an auditorium and a library. Moreover, the entire building is wheelchair accessible. It is also earthquake-resistant, supported by foundations of some 30 meters in depth.
Rhonda Zygocki, the Vice President Public and Government Affair from Chevron headquarters underlined the role of Aceh youths in helping rebuild Aceh beyond doing tasks given by their teachers.
Martin Stottele, the Chief of Party of the technical assistance project implemented by Swisscontact stresses that with the inauguration of the building a first major milestone could be established in a very convincing manner. Further on there will be some more milestones to be achieved like the start of the teaching and learning process with the first 240 students until the graduation party of that essential first batch. “It will still be a long way to go to be acknowledged as an institution providing world-class education, but with the joint efforts of all partners the odds are good to achieve the ambitious aim” added Martin.
The Polytechnic is expected to provide vocational training in applied technology fields such as information technology, electronics, mechatronic and business accountancy. These skills are critical to the continued reconstruction and development of the province. “We lost many talented teachers and students when the tsunami hit Aceh in 2004. The construction of the Politeknik Aceh is in line with the government’s priority in Aceh at the present time, namely education, so that we can quickly recover and become even better than before,” said Muhammad Nazar, NAD Deputy Governor, in his address.
Swisscontact was assigned to implement a similar educational project back in 1974 - 1993. Polytechnic Mechanic Swiss, PMS with today’s name Politeknik Manufaktur, POLMAN – Bandung, West Java, is a training institution for higher technicians with 3-year diploma programs for tool makers and maintenance mechanics. The new institution had a spearhead function under the roof of ITB to develop the concept of Polytechnics.
(Parts of the article is taken from IndoAsianews and various sources, photo by Chevron)
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